About the open beta

Mary -

You are very brave to take this test. Because flying high in huge balloons is a very dangerous activity. Especially when the equipment is new and untested.

Sometimes things can go wrong. A balloon can burst or deflate, a house can fall apart, a rocket can fly in the wrong direction. Well, you know... This is the fate of the pioneer.

But it's you who will point out all the slips and help make this part of the game much better, more stable, and more interesting. It is your opinion that can greatly influence what the Sky Race will ultimately become. Therefore, if something goes wrong, don’t be silent. Take screenshots, and screen recordings, and describe the bugs you find in a special section of the group.

At the same time, we reserve the right to change any game settings and parameter values ​​in the game records of test participants and their teams in case of indicating serious errors during the open beta test.

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