What's the purpose of each building in our town?

Mary -

Launchpad is the main building. 


No other building can be at a higher level than the launchpad. 

If the launchpad is destroyed (yes, it might happen as well), your balloon will fly at half-speed.


Fort is a very important building that protects your team's town from other teams' attacks. 


As long as it has shells, you don't have to worry about attacks. That's why it is crucial to restock ammo boxes on time. If you are out of shells, other teams may destroy the buildings in your team's town.

For the price of 10 identical green cards from any completed collection, you can start producing the protection. It takes 10 minutes and provides the fort with a whole box of ammunition - it will be just enough to repel a few attacks. How much exactly? The higher the fort level is, the more ammo in the box you have and the more boxes you can accumulate. 

And here is a small bonus: for initiating the production of every ammo box fort staff will immediately grant you 10 spins. 

If the fort is destroyed, it still will protect your team's town. If you have shells, of course. But the number of ammunition in every newly-produced box, in this case, will be twice as small. 



Arsenal: sure, it's great to protect ourselves from attacks, but it's well-known that the best defense is a strong offense.


Few are willing to attack the town with the fully upgraded arsenal. Why so? 'As the higher the arsenal level is, the stronger will be our attack in return. And the more ammo they will need to spend for the protection. And by the way, the mortar of the upgraded arsenal looks truly intimidating. 

And the most important: successful attacks charge the rocket. 

In case our arsenal is destroyed, no one in our team will get coins for attacking other teams. Also, we won't be able to charge the rocket, as well as launch it. And if the rocket was launched and active, it would disappear. 


Gas station: do you need more height to overtake the rival team and be the first to reach the checkpoint? Don't worry! Portion of gas for 10 violet cards immediately lifts your balloon. And there is no need to spin the slot! It's a magic! 


The higher the gas station level is, the more height you get for using the gas tank. But don't forget to check on the indicator of overheating! Depending on the number and tempo of gold cards usage, the indicator changes the color. As soon as it turns orange, cards start giving the balloon only half of the usual height, and when it turns red -- it will be even less. To come back to the green area you need to wait till the station cools down. 


Workshop: some teams behave truly provocatively. Their balloons fly too quickly to reach checkpoints before we do and take more gold bars so that we get fewer gold bars. It's outrageous! 


Here comes the workshop. Do you see this cool huge harpoon? For 10 blue cards from any completed collection, you can shoot this harpoon at the audacious team's balloon. A large hole in their balloon and immediate loss of height will cool them down! But, the same as with gas, you need to check on the indicator of overheating!

However, the higher the workshop level is, the bigger our harpoon is. More precisely, the more height the rival team's balloon loses.

And for another bonus. Do you see this big fan? During the Sky Race, it constantly blows and helps our balloon to fly. Also, the higher the workshop level is, the bigger the bonus to the UPs our team receives. 

If it happens so that the workshop is destroyed, we won't be able to shoot harpoons at other teams' balloons. And the fan will be also turned off and won't give us the bonus to our balloon speed. 



Market: our motto is "Everything for the team"!


But sometimes you may get something for you as well. Well-deserved bonuses can be produced on the market for 10 green cards from a completed collection. 

The higher the market level is, the more valuable bonuses you may produce. And the production rate increases as well. 

But there is something more! It turns out that the higher the market level is, the better the rewards in gold bars the team receives during the race and for every taken checkpoint. 

If we miss rivals' attacks and let our market destroyed, you won't be able to make bonuses for yourself. And there will be no increase in rewarded gold bars as well. 


How to repair the buildings?

If we don't have enough defense in fort to block attacks on our town, other teams' players may destroy our buildings. Well, in this case, it's possible to launch free building repair. It takes some time, and after that time the building can be put into operation and start functioning again.


The higher the building level, the more repair time is needed. 

But can we repair the building immediately and without any waiting? Turns out, we can! If the team has enough gold bars. Then it takes half the upgrade price to repair and upgrade it for an instant! It's like 2 in 1, both repair and upgrade. 

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