Player’s village

Mary -

The team’s town is certainly great. But what about the villages of the team players around this town? What about your own village?


You will be surprised, but it is also of great importance for the team because your village brings a bonus to the number of UPs you collect. And this bonus is quite considerable, especially if the village has a high level and is well upgraded.

It turns out that the higher the level of your village the more APs you can collect for the team.

Keep in mind that not only the level is important, but also pumping up the village means a great deal. If at least one house is not built in the village, there will be no bonus from the village.


The village’s leveling up is calculated by the number of stars of the house that has the fewest. Therefore, if all your houses have 5 stars and one has only 1 the levelling of the village will be x1. And if all the houses have 3 stars, the leveling of the village will be x3.

When you move to a new village, the bonus from it first becomes smaller because it has not yet been upgraded. It may even be 0 if the village is empty. But as soon as you upgrade the village, the bonus will be greater than it was in the village of the previous level.

Try not to let the houses in your village be destroyed so as not to lose your bonus.

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