What's the Sky Race?

Mary -

The Sky Race is an exciting competition between 10 random teams from the same league. Each team works together to lift their balloon up and during the next 5 days tries to get as high as possible, leaving everyone else behind. On the weekend the race stops, players collect their well-deserved rewards and prepare for the next race.

How to take part in the Sky Race?


To participate in the Sky Race for the first time, a team must have at least 3 players. There are no such restrictions for further races.

Once the race has started, your team will automatically be placed in a group with other teams from the same league. Voilà! Start spinning the slot, earning coins, and getting UPs. You and your team are already racing.

How to win the Sky Race?

The winner is the team whose ball is higher than the rest at the end of the race. To do this, you need to collect as many UPs as possible. The more active players in a team, the more UPs they can collect together. Sure, the development of the team’s town helps with this as well.

How to gain more height?

The balloon moves up thanks to the points all team members collect, they are called UPs. Each UP is +1 meter of the balloon's height.


To receive UPs players must earn coins.

Complete your progress and receive large portions of UPs.

Each new stage requires more coins but brings more UPs on the other hand. And the main thing here is not to oversleep, since the time to complete each stage is limited. Mind the timer!


If you do not collect the required amount in time, the collection of coins will begin again from the very first stage.

Coins earned in any way will fill the progress, except for coins stolen from other players! Coins stolen in raids do not count toward progress.


The UPs of all team players are summed up to raise the ball higher.


What is a race chest?

If you have helped your team's balloon to gain height even a little you will receive a reward at the end of the race – a race chest.

But it’s better to help properly. After all, the higher the team’s place, the cooler the chest! The same applies to the league in which your team plays: the higher, the better!

Where can you check what's happening in the race?

Wanna see how your team's balloon whizzes past your lagging behind opponents? Click on the image of balloons in the upper right corner of your town and enjoy the triumph.



What are leagues and how are they different?


The best teams are promoted to a higher league after each race.

And the worst ones go down to a lower level.

There are 4 leagues in total. The golden league is the hardest place to stay. Because after each race, the entire bottom half of the team list is relegated to the silver league. But the prizes in the higher leagues are higher too. The rewards in the chest are better and the amount of gold bars is 50 times higher than the starting league!

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