What's a team?

Mary -

What's a team?

A team is a union of up to 10 players who work together to try to take top places in weekly competitions. Each team has its own town, which can be developed in cooperation. The main event for the team is the sky race on the balloons.

How to join the team?


To enter the team, the player’s village level must be at least 70. If you already have a sufficient level, just select a team in the “Recommended” tab by clicking on the balloon icon.

You can join an open team immediately, but in a private team, your application to enter must be approved.

How to create a team?


If you feel leadership potential and are ready to unite other members around you, you can create your own team. It will cost 1000 spins. The creator automatically takes the position of captain of the new team. If you want to make a team of your friends only, you can create a private team and accept players only by application.

Ready to conquer heights by your own rules? Come up with a team name, and a slogan, choose a flag and the color of the balloon, and let’s go!

How to communicate in the game?


To share your brilliant plans with your teammates, you can use the chat in the game itself! Players with a status higher than “newbie” can also send messages to other teams in the group chat of the sky race.


Ranks in the team

Each player on the team has one of four ranks. Newbie, Member, assistant, and Captain.

A team can only have one captain.

Not every action is available to every player on the team. Only an experienced player knows which building is best to upgrade in a given situation. Therefore, for example, only the captain and his assistants have access to the gold bars storage. Only they can spend gold bars on repairing and improving buildings in the town.

The capabilities of players of each rank are described in more detail in the table:

  • can earn the UPs,
  • can create a defense,
  • can shoot with the harpoon,
  • can use a gas cylinder,
  • can craft bonuses in the market

Newbie’s rights plus

  • can launch a rocket
  • can text in the race chat
  • can start buildings after the fire


Member’s and newbie’s rights plus

  • can spend gold bars on upgrading and repairing

  • can kick and accept players,

  • can change the rank of the players in team

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