I didn't receive a bonus from inviting a friend

Mary -

In order to receive a reward for inviting a friend to the game, you must first send them an invitation from the game menu.

It is important that the friend's first launch of the game to be only after your invitation. If this condition is met, you will receive a bonus after the player appears on your friend list in the game.

If the person did not appear in the list of friends in the game, please, check here.

There are also a number of restrictions in place to prevent abusing invite rewards.

1. Up to the 10th level (village), the reward for inviting friends can be received only 10 times.

2. From level 10 and above, you can get a reward for another 90 friends.

3. In total, you can receive no more than 100 times for the entire time.

4. With more and more invite rewards received, the reward itself will gradually become smaller. To make up for this, you can receive daily gifts from your friends in the form of free coins and spins.

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